Honour Roll

Richard Wadick

Chorus Member of the year 2021


Awarded to Richard Wadick

Chorus member of the year 2021

Peter Fragar

Chorus Member of the year 2020


Awarded to Peter Fragar

Chorus Member of the year 2020

Rod de Sylva

Chorus Member of the year 2019


Awarded to Rod de Sylva

Chorus Member of the year 2019

Philip Powell

Chorus Member of the year 2018


Awarded to Philip Powell

Chorus Member of the year 2018

Richard Wadick

Life Membership


Awarded to Richard Wadick

Life Membership was presented to Richard Wadick on the 30th of October 2017 in recognition of many years of dedicated service to the Club.

Richard Wadick

Chorus Member of the Year 2017


Awarded to Richard Wadick

Chorus Member of the Year was presented to Richard Wadick on the 30th of October 2017.

Malcolm Geeves

Chorus Member of the Year 2016


Awarded to Malcolm Geeves

Malcolm has been a Penrith Harmony and BHA member since 2013 and during that time has been an indispensable member of the Club/Chorus.


He is always quick to volunteer when support is needed for a special event whether on Club or Regional level.


Sensitive to the needs of individuals and the collective, Malcolm offers wise counsel and feedback on performances and events and how we engage with the community and each other.


An advocate for maintenance of health and wellbeing, Malcolm is passionate about the benefits that singing in a men’s group brings to mental health.


This year Malcolm was instrumental in developing what is now known as “The Penrith Harmony Manifesto”, a statement of the Club/Chorus vision, purpose and beliefs along with its underlying values and guiding principles.


Malcolm virtually created a new role in the Club - International liaison officer, having represented Penrith Harmony at several Barbershop Chorus rehearsals across the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Japan.


In recognition of his special affinity with member matters, Malcolm was recently offered the important dual role of Membership Manager and Vice President which he has accepted with enthusiasm.

David Auld

Life Membership


Awarded to David Auld

Life Membership was presented to David Auld on the 17th of October 2016 in recognition of many years of dedicated service to the Club.

Richard Barakat

Chorus Member of the Year 2015


Awarded to Richard Barakat

Richard has been a BHA member only since July 2014 and in that time he has proved to be an invaluable asset to the Club. Richard is an accomplished musician and entertainer by profession and brings a wealth of experience and skill in music, great humour and a caring attitude. A master communicator, Richard often provides impartial feedback to the Chorus regarding the quality of their sound and presentation. He has given vast amounts of time and expertise in audio technology to create learning and promotional tracks for the use of the members and was instrumental in the Chorus acquisition of audio equipment for use in public performances.

Philip Powell

Chorus Member of the Year 2014


Awarded to Philip Powell

2014 was Phil's first year in the Chorus and one in which he has excelled in many ways. 

During the year, Phil successfully auditioned first time to become a member of the Chorus, then launched himself into the mammoth task of learning every song in the repertoire quickly and with accuracy.

Eager to participate fully in the life of the Chorus, Phil has performed on stage in a quartet, and has taken on the role of Chorus Convention Coordinator.

Phil, we are delighted to have you as a member of the Chorus and congratulate you on achieving this award in your first year.

Barrie Burns

Life Membership


Awarded to Barrie Burns

Life Membership was presented to Barrie Burns on the 27th of October 2014 in recognition of many years of dedicated service to the Club.

Graeme Lees

Chorus Member of the Year 2013


Awarded to Graeme Lees

Graeme has been an Executive Committee Team Member for more than 10 years holding the offices of President or Vice President for much of that time. Graeme is a great support to the Club taking on the role of Chorus Manager and Community Relations Manager thereby performing the following tasks throughout the year: Promotions and marketing, accommodation reservations at Convention, performance bookings and arrangements, and continually updating members of events. Plus he's a really nice bloke and a fantastic bass!

Peter Fragar

Life Membership


Awarded to Peter Fragar

Life Membership was presented to Peter Fragar on the 10th of December 2012 in recognition of many years of dedicated service as Music Director. 


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