Blue Mountains in Harmony Concert

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Richard Wadick
Status: Archived
Date Posted: Sun, 25 Feb 2024
Chorus and Band in harmony concert
Penrith Harmony will join forces with Blue Mountains Concert Band and Mountains Youth Band in an entertaining concert for all ages at 2pm on Sunday 24th March 2024. The venue is the acoustically spectacular St Finbar’s Church, 46 Levy Street, Glenbrook.
The concert, titled Blue Mountains in Harmony, is being presented as part of the NSW Seniors Festival and will feature a range of songs and music presented by the chorus and bands. Included on the program is music from The Mission, Colours of the Wind, and themes from The Teddy Bears’ Picnic. There is something for everyone in this lovely afternoon of music and song.
Refreshments will be provided. Tickets are available at the door. Adults $20; Seniors, concession and under18s: $10. Cash and card payment available.